We offer you a choice or highly qualified tutors to fit your particular
needs. Our Centre employs about 50 professional tutors speaking
different languages, having 20-25 years experience, most of them
MA degrees and authors of books.
How do our clients choose a tutor?
During the first interview you will explain to the manager what
are your requirements with regard to your future tutor. Based on
those requirements, we will choose and introduce to you a tutor.
Then you will take two test classes, and if you are not satisfied
with the tutor performance, you will not pay and we will arrange
for the interviews and test classes with other tutors.
This procedure were specially designed for us to be sure that you
really like your tutor, his or hers behaviour, communication skills,
temper and other personal particularities.Be sure of the quality
of service before starting to pay!
As the course proceeds, we will ask you to fill our questioner
and evaluate our course as a whole, your particular programme, its
general organisation and the tutor performance, using marks from
1 to 100.
Here is a sample of our questioner: